Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama-Nation Inauguration Celelbration Coverage Part 1 of Quotable Quotes

paraphrased: 1 billion muslims watching this around the world will be very surprised and will be very happy when they hear Barack Hussein Obama take the oath and they hear him say "Hussein".

He doesn't look old, he's walking old. - Commentator B to Commentator A on MSNBC when A suggested George Bush Senior looks old.

The first grandmother as well, another prominent individual in the white house very soon.

The Washington mall has been at capacity since 9AM this morning.

This is the network of the 21st century and we're MSNBC.

The crowd is Booing George Bush Junior! 8:30AM PST

First Lady will be taking an active stance against Acid Violence against school girls. So many soldier's felt that Afganistan was Forgotenstan.

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