Monday, June 8, 2009

Up - the new disney/pixar movie

I went to the movies last Friday with my parents. We wante to see Up, but the 8:30PM show was sold out. In a fit of confused rage I purchased 3 "night at the museum II" lie-max (thanks rich) tickets (@ $16.50 for adults, that's stinking nuts) but then my wise parents exchanged those tickets for the 10PM up showing. THANK YOU PARENTS. 

Disney/Pixar's "Up" was awesome! But beware, it's not your typical happy go lucky animated kid film: it's rated PG, there are two scenes with a little bit of blood, and the beginning story arc is very poignantly sad - but it will "lift" you up with great laughs, a fresh-current story, and a strong moral compass.

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